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Led tape light source module
Product model:Led tape light source module
Order Hotline:0750-3711789
Product performance

The development speed of LED light source modules is a bit unexpected. This has also led to uneven price and quality of LED light source modules, causing market chaos.
The factors that generally determine the price and quality of LED light source modules include the following parts: lamp beads, drivers, plates, and lenses. The lamp bead mainly depends on the lumen value, light decay, life (material and packaging technology and use environment), color rendering index. The drive is determined by the quality, quantity, type, function and matching of the components. Whether the various properties of the board meet the standards, such as temperature resistance, heat conduction and insulation, and circuit conditions. The quality of the lens depends on the light transmittance, temperature resistance and strength.
LED light source modules can be divided into three types: monochrome, colorful, and full color. Monochrome is a module of a single color. The color is relatively simple. Generally, red, green, yellow, white, etc. are more commonly used; Colorful is a module that is transformed from seven different colors. It has more colors and more changes; full color is richer than colorful. It can achieve full true color change, not only very beautiful, but also full of visual effects , More attractive to the eye. Therefore, the more colors, the higher the price of LED light source modules.
LED light source modules can be divided into waterproof and non-waterproof according to sealing. These two modules are used according to the actual situation. Generally waterproof modules can be used for outdoor lighting and publicity. They have a certain resistance to bad weather such as wind and rain. Non-waterproof modules are mainly used in indoor homes. Because the waterproof module is higher in price than the non-waterproof module, so when choosing, you must buy it according to your actual situation, and at the same time you can reduce costs.

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