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Round-ja8 light source module
Product model:Round-ja8 light source module
Order Hotline:0750-3711789
Product performance

Talking about the new profit growth point of the LED industry in 2018, the US-standard linear high-voltage module can be said to be indispensable. Because it integrates the light source + power + line + radiator, the design is more space-saving, which is in line with the mainstream of the market and is slowly accepted in various fields. It is understood that the current market share of US regulatory linear high-voltage modules is about 5%, and there is expected to be 20% growth space in the future, which undoubtedly brings huge business opportunities to downstream lighting companies. The US standard linear high-voltage module solution is mainly used in two fields, one is a bulb lamp; the other is a light source product.
Compared with the traditional DC drive in the past, the advantages of the US standard linear high-voltage module solution are mainly reflected in several aspects:
1. Long life, no need for input and output electrolytic capacitors. Because electrolytic capacitors have a limited lifespan, their use will be greatly restricted. Today's linear high-voltage solutions do not require electrolytic capacitors, which is undoubtedly a significant extension of the life of US-standard linear high-voltage modules.
2. Low cost, no external driver is required, which greatly saves the lamp material, installation and maintenance and logistics and storage costs to a certain extent.
3. High efficiency and low loss, the same output power, the driving current required by high-voltage AC LED lamp beads is lower than that of low-voltage DC LED lamp beads. Take the high-pressure lamp bead 5730 1W LED lamp bead as an example, its forward voltage drop is as high as 75V, only 13mA input current can output 1W power, and the ordinary forward voltage is 3V 1W LED lamp bead, then 350mA input current is required. Output 1W power. Therefore, the power dissipated by high-voltage LED lamp beads with the same output power during operation is much lower than that of low-voltage LED lamp beads.
4. No EMC electromagnetic interference, power frequency linear mode replaces high frequency mode, no high frequency inductance, no EMI problem, no EMC circuit.
5. Its design has flexibility and simplicity, without any external driver, it can be more simple to match the lamp structure.

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