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Square light source module
Product model:Square light source module
Order Hotline:0750-3711789
Product performance

The emergence of LED module light source lights has added a lot of color to our daily life, which can be seen in hotels, shopping malls, homes and other places. However, in the past few years, the development of outdoor lighting has been hot. However, due to the low entry barrier for LED module light source lamp belts, a large number of companies have followed suit to produce LED module light source lamp belts. These lamps are also used in outdoor landscape lighting, but due to product quality and technical problems, there are many Failure cases, so now on the market, there are very few LED module light source light strips applied to outdoor buildings. The reason why the LED module light source lamp belt will be used in outdoor buildings is because it has certain advantages compared with traditional light source lamps.
First, the installation of the LED module light source lamp belt is a split structure, its bottom bracket and the lamp belt are separated, in order to facilitate later maintenance, such as the lamp is broken, the designer does not need to remove the entire lamp, only You need to unplug some of the light strips and replace them with new ones to continue using them. The traditional lamps need to disassemble the whole set of lamps, which not only affects the lamps to a certain extent, but may cause damage if improperly operated. The LED module light source lamp belt installation aluminum slot has a large internal space, which can allow the cable to pass and connect inside, and there is no connecting line on the exterior of the rear curtain wall, which is beautiful and atmospheric.
Second, the LED module light source lamp belt solves the problem of super strong pressure drop. A power supply can reach 16 meters in one direction, and some can reach 20 meters, which is equivalent to supplying a strong electricity for 4 or 5 floors, which greatly reduces the laying of strong and weak wires inside. The traditional installation method is that there will be a wire tube next to the lamp to take the main electricity or weakness, so this is also the reason why the LED module light source lamp belt is frequently used in outdoor lighting. In the future, through the continuous improvement and innovation of the quality and technology of LED module light source light strips, the application of light strips in outdoor construction will definitely be more and more.

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