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LED point light source module is very popular with users


In the past ten years, due to the emergence of LED point light source modules, the traditional incandescent lamp market has been greatly impacted. With the continuous maturity of LED point light source module products, the current lighting fixtures and lamps in many homes and commercial facilities Advertising lamps have been mostly replaced with LED point light source modules, which are well-known products. This kind of product is currently very popular among users in lighting products. Next, let's introduce in detail the reasons why LED point light source modules are popular with users.
1. Brighter products
LED point light source module products use a liquid crystal panel to generate the light source. The light source of the liquid crystal panel has high stability and no flickering. At the same time, the brightness of this light source is also higher than other lamps of the same power. Using the LED point light source module at the same power can achieve better lighting effects, and it is more likely to attract people's attention in the night sky. Therefore, the LED point light source module has better use value in the advertising industry.
Second, the product price is cheap
The products in the traditional lamp market are relatively complicated in production and design, so the price of these lamp products is usually more expensive. The LED point light source module only needs to use the finished LED LCD screen for the light source, which is relatively simple in terms of product complexity and structure, resulting in the marketing of this more powerful LED point light source module product. The price is also cheaper.
3. Longer product life
The service life of incandescent lamp products is mainly related to the use time of the tungsten wire in the lamp tube. When the electric quantity of the incandescent lamp is charged, the current will generate high temperature and cause the tungsten wire in the lamp tube to shine, thereby forming a better lighting effect. However, the use time of tungsten wire is usually short, and many incandescent lamp products need to be replaced after one to two years of use. The service life of the liquid crystal light-emitting panel of the products quoted by the new market of LED point light source modules is much longer than that of traditional incandescent lamp products, which is also an important reason why LED point light source modules replace incandescent lamp products.
The emergence of LED point light source modules has brought a tremendous change to the lighting market, and it is also a strong proof that technology has changed lives. The cost-effective LED point light source module products not only have better lighting effects, but also because of the simpler structure, the market sales price is also more reasonable, and the longer product life also allows LED point light source module products. Was welcomed by more users.

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