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US solar lighting supplier acquires solar lighting enterprise


On February 17, 2017, SolarOne Solutions, a provider of professional solar lighting solutions for global customers, announced the acquisition of solar lighting company Inovus Solar to supplement its product market and technology.
Through this transaction, SolarOne Solutions has absorbed Inovus Solar's technology, pending projects, brands and other assets. All Inovus Solar staff will be immediately included in SolarOne Solutions and will continue to support the global customer base.
SolarOne CEO Moneer Azzam said: "It is difficult to find two such complementary companies. Inovus is equipped with embedded lithium-ion energy storage and beautifully shaped photovoltaic rods that perfectly match SolarOne's traditional professional lighting system lines. The next two The perfect integration of a professional and talented team is what I am most looking forward to. No other solar lighting company has such a depth, which will accelerate our global growth plan. "
Doug Stewart, CEO of Inovus Solar, will continue to serve as a board member and strategic advisor to the company. He said: "This transaction will have a transformative impact on the products, technology and marketing capabilities and market influence of both companies. It is expected to build the world's largest solar lighting business. "

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