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Little knowledge of green lighting: how to choose energy-saving lamp for yoursel


Tips for buying energy-saving lamps
Look at packaging and trademarks: high-quality products have good printing quality, clear fonts, and are not easy to erase, with trademarks and "China Energy Efficiency Logo"
Look at the quality of plastic parts: the plastic shell should have high hardness, good rigidity, crack resistance, whiteness and discoloration, and good electrical insulation;
Look at the appearance of the lamp: compare multiple lamps together. The product has good shape and size consistency, and the quality is guaranteed. At the same time, there should be no cracks or looseness in the outer shell, and there should be no signs of being pryed at the seal. During the installation and disassembly, the lamp head should not be loose or external.
Choose regular shopping malls and supermarkets and buy big-brand energy-saving lamps.
Primary and secondary school students spend a lot of time in the classroom every day. The lighting environment in the classroom is very important to the visual health of primary and middle school students. Classroom lighting should meet the lighting design standards promulgated by the state. The illuminance on the classroom desk should reach 300 lux, the illuminance on the blackboard should reach 500 lux, and the illuminance distribution should be uniform. The selection and installation of lamps should also avoid glare and lighting conditions. A good classroom can mainly rely on natural lighting during the day. It is necessary to avoid glare when the sun is shining.
The light environment for students to study at home is also an important part of ensuring healthy vision. When studying at night, in addition to general room lighting, reading desk lamps should be used as local lighting on writing desks. Desk lamps should choose lamps with reasonable power, no flicker, reasonable light distribution and light control. It should be noted that the desktop illuminance is higher than the environmental illuminance, which makes the vision comfortable and healthy, which helps to improve learning efficiency; but it is not possible to turn on the desk lamp only to save power to avoid visual fatigue.
According to statistics, the average person spends almost half of his time in his home every day, and the average time in the bedroom exceeds six hours a day, so the light environment of the house is crucial. The bedroom is a space for occupants to sleep and rest, so the general lighting of the bedroom should be set above the edge of the bed near the foot, and the light source with low color temperature and suitable lamps should be selected to control the glare.
When you need to create a spacious and warm space, you can not install general lighting in the bedroom, but use the bedside counter lamp or wall lamp in the bedroom. It is not appropriate to use incandescent lamps, tungsten halogen lamps and other light sources to reduce the discomfort of the heat radiation on the head. sense.
The general lighting control of the bedroom can be selected with wireless remote control type and can be smoothly dimmed.
High-color fluorescent lamps and LED lamps should be used in the family.
The visual characteristics of the elderly are different from those of the young. The cornea and lens of the eyes of the elderly gradually yellow, the color change power is reduced, and the ability to recognize the color difference is reduced. For the colors with closer tones, such as red and orange, blue and green, the ability to distinguish is weakened, the lens elasticity is poor, and the control enters the eye The ability to reduce the amount of light is reduced, and the ability to adapt from a bright environment to a dark environment or from a dark environment to a bright environment is degraded, and it is more sensitive to glare.
Therefore, the environment in which the elderly live should increase indoor illuminance, improve the uniformity of room brightness, and avoid sudden changes in light brightness. Do shading treatment of lamps and lanterns to avoid glare. An electric light source with good color rendering should be selected, which is helpful for the elderly to correctly distinguish indoor colors. It is best to have a dimming function in order to adjust according to different seasons, different moods and different visual needs.

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