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The world's first international standard for LED product test methods


Recently, the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) released the international standard CIES025: 2015 "Testing Methods for LED Lamps, Luminaires and Modules", which is the world's first international standard for testing methods of LED products Test standard for strength. The standard was originally proposed by Professor Pan Jiangen of China's Yuanfang Optoelectronics. Under the organization of the National Radiation Standards Committee for Light Radiation Measurement Sub-committee, China has also established a corresponding standard working group. On the other hand, it has also been translated into China ’s standards and made full technical preparations.
CIES025 was developed by the Technical Committee TC2-71 of CIE Division 2. At the initial stage of the project, CIE signed an agreement with the European Standardization Technical Committee (CEN), which will also be issued and implemented as the European Standard (EN) . According to the CIE process, the standard will soon be converted into a formal ISO standard through the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). In addition, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has also approached CIE. IEC will not translate this standard, but it will be directly quoted when related content is involved.
Accurate and reliable photochromatic parameter measurement of LED products is the basic requirement for evaluating product performance and designing lighting systems, that is, the consistency of data measured in different laboratories must be guaranteed to achieve comparison of different products under the same benchmark. Based on this concept, CIES025 has proposed highly reproducible photometric and chromaticity test requirements for LED lights, lamps and modules, as well as suggestions for related test data reports. Measurement parameters include total luminous flux, luminous efficiency, partial luminous flux, light intensity distribution, central light intensity, brightness, brightness distribution, color coordinates, correlated color temperature, color rendering index, and character uniformity.
At present, the standard can be purchased on the CIE official website, priced at 219 euros, CIE National Committee members can enjoy a 30% discount.

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