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Large enterprises can increase investment in large, medium and high-end products


As the saying goes, "Knowing oneself and knowing the other can be a battle of victory." At present, China's lighting industry is in a sluggish development. Many companies have turned their attention to foreign markets, and are very concerned about the market situation of foreign lighting industry. Today, the editor led the lighting companies into Australia to analyze the country's import and export data together.
1. Country Overview
Australia has a land area of 7.68 million square kilometers and a population of about 23.8 million. It is a typical country with a large area and a small population. It is the most developed country in the southern hemisphere and the 12th largest economy in the world.
Second, the local lighting industry
Australia's local lighting manufacturing industry is not developed, and lighting manufacturers are rare. For example, Mr. Russell Loan, the president of the Australian Lighting Association, is not a representative of the manufacturer, but a distributor of Iwasaki, a famous Japanese lamp manufacturer in Australia. Of lighting products rely heavily on imports, most of which come from China.
There are quite a few lighting control companies in Australia. The representative ones are Dynalite acquired by PHILIPS (please distinguish yourself from Bunch Smart Dalitek) and Daintree acquired by GE not long ago.
3. The size and characteristics of the local lighting market
There are about 7-8 million households in Australia, and each household has an average of 70-80 lamp holders. The original products are mainly MR16 halogen tungsten lamps and traditional ceiling lamps, which have a large replacement potential.
Australia is also the first country in the world to completely eliminate incandescent lamps for general lighting. It is a paradise for the application of high-efficiency lighting products. Its LED lighting product penetration rate is relatively high in developed countries, second only to Japan, and its largest city, Sydney, is A considerable number of GE's LED street lights are used in urban roads.
In addition, compared with the European, American and Japanese markets, the Australian market is a less developed market for domestic lighting companies and has certain market potential. Moreover, the lighting product certification is self-contained (SAA certification), and the requirements for electrical safety are particularly strict. The entry threshold is higher; the overall volume of individual customers is not large, but the profit is better. The overall situation is suitable for the entry of high-end products.
4. Local status of lighting products export
In 2015, China's total lighting products exported to Australia were 724 million US dollars, an increase of 14.20% year-on-year; of which, LED lighting products were 396 million, an increase of 13.08% year-on-year, and the export volume was ranked 10th among export destination countries.
V. Local professional lighting exhibition
The Australian Lighting Association (LCA), as the national lighting industry organization in Australia, has held the biennial Australian International Lighting Exhibition since 2011. It will be held in Sydney at the end of May in the singular year, and there is also the famous Vivid Sydney event during the same period .
Summary: Australia has a vast territory and a sparse population. The lighting manufacturing industry is underdeveloped. The lighting manufacturers are rare. It is a low-development market for domestic lighting companies. It has a certain market potential and has a good market prospect for the input of mid- and high-end products. In 2015, China's lighting product exports to Australia increased by 13.08% year-on-year, which shows that the demand for Australian lighting products is large, which helps to open up China's lighting products exports.

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