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The choice of lamps and lanterns in bedrooms to create a healthy and comfortable


The bedroom is mainly a place for sleeping and resting, sometimes restricted by living conditions, and also used for work or close talks with friends and relatives. The bedroom lighting is mainly composed of general lighting and local lighting.
1. General lighting in the bedroom
The general lighting atmosphere of the bedroom should be quiet, warm, pleasant, soft and comfortable. Those shiny, colorful lamps are generally not suitable for installation in the bedroom. Due to the different ages, cultures and hobbies of the host, the views and standards of comfort and warmth will also be different, and the requirements for the lighting style of the bedroom are also different.
At present, the popular styles of bedroom lighting are:
1. Quiet and comfortable
This is the main trend of contemporary bedroom lighting. There are a variety of schemes: you can choose a simple style ceiling lamp, which emits milky white light, which reflects the light-colored wall of the bedroom. ; Can also be installed with embedded ceiling lights, with civilian wall lights, so that "starry sky" direct light and "hazy" auxiliary light complement each other, more elegant and warm.
2. Luxurious style
Show the owner's financial strength and identity, using high-end materials, high-end lighting and indoor luxury layout. For example, with golden candle lighting and Baroque furniture, it can show the French court weather, brilliant and brilliant. If you use high-quality mahogany lamps with meticulous workmanship, exquisite materials and exquisite modeling, combined with quaint mahogany furniture, you will have an extraordinary temperament, showing the strong national feelings and economic strength of the owner.
3. Modern avant-garde
Pursuing freedom and freedom, the city's novel lamps and lanterns are mixed with geometric figures and lines, breaking through the traditional concept and reflecting the advanced consciousness. The wall lamp on the wall can be triangular, rhombic, or irregular; the table lamp on the table can be semi-circular, linear; the spotlight has ribs and angles in black and white; the floor lamp extends its arms like Asuka, everything looks simple and chic, giving people surprise and surprise. Coupled with simple lines of bedroom furniture, it shows the ingenious and interesting pursuit of modern people. Because the bedroom often has both the functions of rest and work, low illumination is required for rest and sufficient illumination is required for work. In order to meet the requirements of two lighting functions, two methods can be adopted: one is to install a high dimmer to control the brightness of the lamp; the other is to control the various lamps in the room by sub-switches, and determine the number of lights according to the needs.
2. Partial lighting in the bedroom
Local lighting facilities must be considered in the bedroom, mainly:
1. Desk lighting. The illuminance value is above 300LX, and the writing desk lamp is generally used for illumination.
2. Reading lighting. Many people like to lean on the bedside newsstands and newspapers before going to bed, so they should consider using table lamps or wall lamps for lighting. The characteristics of the table lamp are movable and flexible, and the table lamp itself is a work of art, which can give people a beautiful enjoyment, and the light can draw beautiful dynamic lines on the wall through the lampshade. The advantage of the wall light is that it reflects the light through the wall and makes the light soft.
3. Dressing lighting. The illuminance should be above 300LX. The vanity mirror lamp is usually a warm-radiation lamp. The light source is preferably an incandescent lamp or a three-color fluorescent lamp. The lamp is installed above the mirror and is outside the 60-degree solid angle of the field of view to avoid glare.
4. Reading lighting on the sofa, often using floor lamp lighting. It should be particularly pointed out that, because the electric light source in the lighting is hot and live, for safety reasons, the lamps installed in the children ’s bedroom must have a certain height, so that the children can not directly touch the light source, and it is more inappropriate to place table lamps in the children ’s bedroom. Removable lamps.

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