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LED light source module makes a great show in the market


With the increasing popularity of LED lighting products, achieving interchangeability and versatility of different LED light source module products has always been one of the topics of great concern in the industry. With the obvious development trend of LED light source modules, traditional LED manufacturers have also The purpose of gradually innovating is to achieve faster standardization in the LED light source module industry. In the future development of LED, the industry's focus will be on the integrated development of unified and standardized LED light source modules.
So what is the so-called LED light source module? In fact, the LED light source module is to synthesize the light source, the heat dissipation component, and the driving power module in batches, and manufacture standardized LED lighting products through the mold. These modular systems including drives and cables can be quickly and easily integrated.

LED light source modules are designed according to standard lighting products, and are also produced according to standards. The purpose is to better facilitate the back-end application manufacturers. Since the LED light source module already has the array structure and circuit arrangement required for optics, it can directly save some key materials and equipment for the terminal lighting manufacturer at the back end, greatly reducing costs. Such as PCB, aluminum substrate and soldering materials for patch.

In addition, the popularity of LED light source modules has become more apparent, and consumer groups have also become wider. At the same time, it will also bring a lot of higher requirements to the module products. But rest assured that LED light source modules have advantages in cost performance, reliability, and assembly. Therefore, the LED light source module will be more brilliant in the future general lighting applications.

Judging from the current LED market scale, China has become a leader in the global LED market. Compared with some international companies that have mastered LED key equipment materials, the current advantages of China's LED industry are in LED packaging and applications. However, if we vigorously develop and continuously improve the LED light source module level, it may occupy more resources in the entire LED market in the future. . According to the LED light source module, some supporting technologies can be formed, such as tightly integrated optical design, integrated light source reliability technology, standardized technology, etc. Only by grasping the key point of LED light source module technology can we accelerate the development of China's LED industry and enhance its overall competitiveness.

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